Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Back on Track and Off to Sea

Have you ever started something only to lose momentum? Join the human race. I ventured out into the sea of bloggers but when the water began tickling my toes, I raced back to dry ground. After two posts, I set my bucket down in the sand. Then I was off to look for shiny objects on new shores.

Now I've come back to the water's edge. After all, it is a blogger's world. This time, however, I'm determined to hold my breath and go out into the deep waters. On second thought, I think I'd rather sail the sea. It's safer than swimming, with all the sharks out there. Not to mention the undertow.

Are you up for an adventure? Then join me as we sail into the deep blue sea and look for treasures on the ocean floor. Who knows what we'll find? As your captain, I promise to discover the purpose of this blog and to provide information that will add value to your life. In the process, I might just try out some of the writing techniques that I learn in my quest to make the New York Times bestseller list.

I sure hope you don't get sea sick. Remember, your captain is a novice so this ship may rock back and forth as I find my way through uncharted waters. Look on the bright side. This could be the most exciting maritime adventure you'll ever have sitting at your keyboard.

Get ready to set sail. Oh, and watch out for sharks!

We'll have a whale of time.


Thursday, May 28, 2009

Put A Little Fun In Your Week

I've found a way to have fun and lose weight at the same time. You don't believe me do you? You think fun and weight loss are oxymorons, meaning they don't go together. I'll get to that later, but first let me ask you a few questions. What do you see when you look in the mirror these days? A rounder face? (My hand goes up on this one.) A bulging belly? A wider behind?

Carrying around extra fat cells can be pretty hard on your self-confidence. Extra weight is the No. 1 confidence buster in my opinion. That's why I'm evicting my extra pounds. A leaner frame means more confidence, which translates into more promotions on the job and more -- and bigger -- clients in business. I'm ready to get out there and go for it, and I've found the perfect path to success.

Thanks to nutritionist (and weight lifter) Jay Robb, I'm losing pounds and eating whatever I like. It's the perfect program for me and my oval-looking face is proof that it's working. Plus, I'm seeing the numbers go down when I get on the scale. It feels good to get into those smaller jeans and not feel deprived in the process. On this program -- which I plan on doing on a modified basis even after shedding the pounds -- I eat a low carb fare everyday except Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday evenings. For sixty minutes on those three nights, I eat and drink whatever my heart desires! You can see why I'm rarely tempted to cheat. There's no need to since nothing is off limits!

Every Wednesday evening, I head to Gatti Town with my husband, and best friend who's also my business partner (she's on the program, too). We eat and drink anything we want while chatting and laughing. To be honest, we feel like kids who have been let out of school for the summer. It's like our own oasis where we escape the economic gloom and doom, and the everyday stresses of running a business. Every now and then, we head back to the recreational area to ride the bumper cars, play games and win tickets to get prizes.

Would you believe that last night I ate two nutty buddies on the way there? Somtimes life just tastes better when you eat dessert first! Try it.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Waiting to Hear from Agent

A BIG dream takes a while to unfold. You know the kind I'm talking about. The dream that's built on all the other little dreams in your life that have gotten you to the place in time where you're finally at the threshold to perform all you've ever been meant to do; you're at the spot in life where you're perfectly aligned with your destiny. This is where I am -- waiting at Destiny's Doorstep. After years of marking time and making a nice living in the world of public relations, I'm on the doorstep of my destiny -- waiting for the door to open. This particular doorstep is in New York City where my manuscript is currently lodging in an office In Box at one of the top literary agents in my genre.

Waiting doesn't come easy. That's for sure. I'm determined to keep busy; to live life to the fullest as I wait. During this time, I choose to believe that my destiny will quickly unfold in the form of a passionate agent and a nifty advance check. Two things I know for sure, I'm destined to write fiction and I'm destined to get a terrific agent to sell my manuscript to an enthusiastic publisher.

From time to time, we all find ourselves in the Waiting Room of Life. The key to waiting patiently is to live life thoroughly while you wait. Never put your life on hold. There's so much you can do while you wait and too much fun to be had. Get on with it! Your answer will come soon enough.