Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Back on Track and Off to Sea

Have you ever started something only to lose momentum? Join the human race. I ventured out into the sea of bloggers but when the water began tickling my toes, I raced back to dry ground. After two posts, I set my bucket down in the sand. Then I was off to look for shiny objects on new shores.

Now I've come back to the water's edge. After all, it is a blogger's world. This time, however, I'm determined to hold my breath and go out into the deep waters. On second thought, I think I'd rather sail the sea. It's safer than swimming, with all the sharks out there. Not to mention the undertow.

Are you up for an adventure? Then join me as we sail into the deep blue sea and look for treasures on the ocean floor. Who knows what we'll find? As your captain, I promise to discover the purpose of this blog and to provide information that will add value to your life. In the process, I might just try out some of the writing techniques that I learn in my quest to make the New York Times bestseller list.

I sure hope you don't get sea sick. Remember, your captain is a novice so this ship may rock back and forth as I find my way through uncharted waters. Look on the bright side. This could be the most exciting maritime adventure you'll ever have sitting at your keyboard.

Get ready to set sail. Oh, and watch out for sharks!

We'll have a whale of time.


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