Monday, May 18, 2009

Waiting to Hear from Agent

A BIG dream takes a while to unfold. You know the kind I'm talking about. The dream that's built on all the other little dreams in your life that have gotten you to the place in time where you're finally at the threshold to perform all you've ever been meant to do; you're at the spot in life where you're perfectly aligned with your destiny. This is where I am -- waiting at Destiny's Doorstep. After years of marking time and making a nice living in the world of public relations, I'm on the doorstep of my destiny -- waiting for the door to open. This particular doorstep is in New York City where my manuscript is currently lodging in an office In Box at one of the top literary agents in my genre.

Waiting doesn't come easy. That's for sure. I'm determined to keep busy; to live life to the fullest as I wait. During this time, I choose to believe that my destiny will quickly unfold in the form of a passionate agent and a nifty advance check. Two things I know for sure, I'm destined to write fiction and I'm destined to get a terrific agent to sell my manuscript to an enthusiastic publisher.

From time to time, we all find ourselves in the Waiting Room of Life. The key to waiting patiently is to live life thoroughly while you wait. Never put your life on hold. There's so much you can do while you wait and too much fun to be had. Get on with it! Your answer will come soon enough.

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